most dog owners wouldn't be too concerned to find their precious pooch perched on pretty pillows like this with their peepers tightly closed. i, on the other hand, go into a panic and start pokin' her to make sure she is alive. the reason for such behavior is that this pampered puppy lives among die hard chocoholics. we don't necessarily have to eat it everyday but we all get real nervous if there's none waitin' for us within arms length.
as much as i love this lil puff ball, if i had known she wouldn't be able to share a 1.55 ounce hershey's bar, one o mini's deluxe chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven or a coupla m&m's with me i would have committed myself to the betty crocker center or wherever it is that chocoholics go to dry out before i brought her home. altho my addiction has always been so serious that might've meant she'd still be waitin'.
humans who have been dog lovers all their lives just assume everyone knows that dogs can't eat chocolate. i must admit i had never knew. the first i ever heard of it was when i was leavin' the breeder's house, carryin with me tink in the pink chenille personalized bassinette i had made for her. i patiently listened to 2 hours of rules and regulations that i had to solemnly swear to adhere to if i wanted mini's daddy to have the right to hand her a check written out in an amount that would buy a small used car. when we were finally allowed to leave, i was certain i knew everything necessary to take really good care of my teeny canine child. it wasn't til i was gettin' in the car that the breeder shouted out, 'and remember - even a small amount o chocolate will kill her'. i was certain my ears were playin' tricks on me. when we were all back in the car i asked mini's daddy if that was really chocolate for my dog? yes he said, dogs weren't supposed to eat chocolate.
but what about his wiener dogs? he's had five durin' our married life and all of em have eaten chocolate. willie and wall e. would do any tricks requested for hours on end for just one tootsie roll - those real little ones. and wiener number three, wilma, once ripped open the corners of 12 boxes o godiva chocolates, all wrapped in that pretty gold paper, and ate everything that she could reach with her long snout which was about a half of each box (she also loved pepsi and would run off with a can of it and then bring it back empty). and number four and five, betty and fred, have been caught stealin' whole bags o oreos from the pantry and only eat the chocolate parts and leave the middles tucked here and there in the grass. mini's daddy said they were special so the chocolate rule didn't apply.
i have been lucky that until recently, tink has never showed much interest in the forbidden food...though she has chewed quite a bit o gum. she loves gum and has some sorta gum radar and can locate it no matter where it's tucked away. she's quite capable of chewin' it like it was meant to be chewed but we do our best to keep her from makin' it a habit.
last weekend one o mini's bodysnatchin' friends came for a sleep over. for some reason she never stopped eatin' - every time i looked at her she was popping somethin or other in her mouth. the pocket of her pajama's were filled to the brim with calories of all sorts. when she left i found her pajamas hurled on the floor and only tink's tail waggin' outta the pocket. when i pulled her out there was nothin' left in the pocket but one chocolate chip. we rushed her to the dog emergency room and even though they said she'd be fine, i didn't take my eyes off of her for at least 48 hours straight. it was durin' this time that she took up this new sleepin' pose - the one that makes her look less than alive. i guess i'll get used to it after awhile but it has given me quite a few scares this past week. it's even made me not have such a cravin' for chocolate.
a quick update before i blog many of you emailed to ask what positions jo & mimi were takin in the rosie & donny debacle that jo promised to blog about it this weekend. much to mini's daddy's disappointment, they both honored their agreement not to speak again til tomorrow. i'm afraid it won't matter though cause durin' their break from debatin' the president did some of his talkin on nationwide t.v. and you haven't seen anything as wild as mimi and jo when they get goin' on him. i think i better get a good night's sleep cause the mornin' promises to be quite entertainin' and i'd hate to miss even a minute of it.
thanks for stoppin' by and a special thanks to all who stop that extra bit o time to send those lil messages before heading off! it's much appreciated!