as i have said before, i never cared much one way or the other for pets...and all my life i had a strong aversion to animals dressed up in people clothes. they made me run screamin. the disney characters gave me the willies and the care bears scared me to death! the more the creatures tried to act like humans the worse my reaction would be...i guess the same way you would react if i came runnin up to you on my hands and knees, neeked as a jay-bird, and barked at you....or coughed up a fur ball and then curled up in a lil ball. therefore it is hard to imagine i turned into someone who not only HAS an animal attached to me at all times but that i talk baby talk to her and keep her dressed-up most o the time.
i am hopeful not too many o you are also sickened by lil creatures in human clothes cause i'd like to be able to share shots from tink's modelin' portfolio from time to time. maybe i could send you a warnin first before you stop by - sort a like tracy does for me if she does anything with a picture of a bird in it. i have also always been creeped out by birds - and not cause o the impendin bird flu's cause my mom used to let her parakeets fly around the house and sometimes one would scare me by poppin it's head outta her pocket. i lived in fear of accidently squishin one or bein dive bombed when i least expected it.
i don't wanna give you the impression my mom was some looney bird lady - she was actually much loved and respected in the lil town she lived in for the last 40 or so years of her life. but there were times i didn't love and respect either of my parent's devotion to their the time i brought the college boyfriend du jour home for the day. his name was randy read and his goal in life was to be the governor of the state o texas...therefore he was always aware of keepin up appearances and minglin with the right sort o people. when we arrived after the three hour drive, my dear mother answered the door with one o her winged pets ridin around on the top o her head. it didn't help matters that at the very same time my dad drove up in his pick-up - car seat strapped firmly in the passenger side and filled to the brim with his homely but dearly loved dog. things only got worse as far as any hope for a longtime relationship with the future governor when after lunch we were all eatin popsicles (it was a special occasion after all) and my dad shared his with his dog - every once in a while, just sort of shoved it in the canine's direction so she could have a few licks - as my mom did the same with the parakeet, which had moved to her shoulder. it was never mentioned but i saw the fear in the visitor's eyes. i always wished i would have taken him by jo's parent's abode on wheels on the way back to school and watched his reaction to their goat sittin on the couch watchin the soaps with my aunt.
i guess those pet lovin genes run deep and in my case just took a while to surface. attached here is a photo of tinkerbelle in the fourth o july get-up i stitched together for her. it was cousin jo who suggested i do up some doggie delights with the doo dads i was done with. i haven't quite got the lil details worked out yet - i am still tryin to deal with droopy dips in my design...but tink doesn't seem to be bothered by havin numerous fittins' while i try to get it right. much credit to my adventures in doggie couture go to my friend missy peggy...she sent tink the prettiest pink dress recently which inspired me greatly. now tink is the best dressed dog in the neighborhood and durin our walks together, she even has had people pull their cars over to tell her how impressed they are with her attire. someone even sent her a pair o black mary janes! but that's pretty silly - animals aren't supposed to wear shoes!
i do so hope you all had a happy fourth and your summer is goin well. jo and i are now both back in town so please stop by cause we should be tendin to our bloggin duties on a more regular basis! xoxoxoxoxoxo