one o' the other reasons i was too blogged down to blog involved miss tinkerbelle and my decision on the spur o' the moment to paint the floor o' the doo dad den white. how was i supposed to know that miss tink would refuse to walk on a spur o' the moment painted white floor?
for a while i figured she just thought the freshly painted floor was still too wet to risk disfigurin' her fluffy furry feet and the entry to the doo dad den - where the white floor started - was a line she wouldn't cross. but after a week or so i realized there was more to her freezin like a lil dog statue in the entryway than her vanity. she was scared o' the white painted floor! this was quite a problem cause she refuses to be away from me for more than a few minutes at a time and if i'm outta the doo dad den for too long - well, it could lead to delirium. i tried everyting to change her mind but she made it clear she wasn't walkin' on white. it made no sense cause it's not like she doesn't LIKE white. she is, after all, white. and her favorite food - vanilla ice cream - is white. and her blanket - the one i got for christmas but she took as her own as soon as i unwrapped it - is white. but she wasn't gonna walk on white.
i had ample time to figure out what to do about her withholding her wares from the white wood. as you might recall, i had re-kindled many o' my old injuries durin' the first round o' white and it took quite some time to be ready for the next. as i waited for the feelin' to come back in my neck and lower back, i experimented with several configurations and colors. she finally approved o' green squares - spaced close enough that she can hop from one patch o' green to the next so that she never has to touch the white areas.
i'm still strugglin' with gettin' my canine couture creations to work out right. tink is modelin' my latest attempt here...made from quilt pieces - a dresden plate for the skirt. i am still havin' trouble with the neck fittin the way i want it to. as soon as i get it right i'll share the pattern with you cause those to make good dog duds are hard to come by - unless you can read japanese and even then, you have to be a detective to figure out where to buy em!
as for the white cashwere blanket pictured with tink,(i'm hopin' i spelled that correctly- as you know i don't worry much with such things unless reviewin' products) - we all recommend it highly. if you ever have the chance to nap under one, jump at it! we had two - the one tink has taken over and a brown one that mimi and jo fought over so much, mini finally cut in two to keep the peace. mini and i both have the robe and sweater but keep em hidden if the trailer park pair are in the real house (as opposed to the metal ones).
i'll sign off for now...i have many an egg to finish before i sleep and i've promised a bakers dozen o' momade doughnuts to the molandians! thanks so much for stoppin' by!