too bad that not everyone who the cyber bullies focus their beady eyes upon has a whole community of incredible friends to take care of any de-bashin' needed! i am certainly appreciative of each and every one of 'em as well as all the complete strangers who have written me over the past week.
and wouldn't you know....just when the second annual mo-bash reached it's height, my dear cousin jo returned! seems queenie decided to give her a break from carin' for my dear auntie paula in dallas and she arrived just in time to help tracy put the final touches on moland's annual 'can you still fit into last summer's swimsuit' pagent. since this event coincided with so many people wantin' to check out all the doo dads, a new twist was added so that the ever so snug swimsuits and delightful doo dads could be properly represented together.
the only kink in the whole day of fun and games was that we had a well known designer show up and try to capitalize on the whole event by pushin' her set o' boxer knockoffs at every turn. poor dear....stealing someone else's original idea and passing it off as doin' a good deed....everyone has been shocked that she would ever do such a thing and as you can see, in her haste to do so, she got a lil bashed up herself. but we didn't let her ruin the day. two losers were announced for still being able to fit into last year's, of course....and zee, who has always eaten like a bird and may need a smaller suit this year. we'll try not to hold it against her.
i wanna thank each and every one of you for writin' me. i am still attemptin' to write everyone who has emailed but as always, i am runnin' behind. i am also a bit behind in sendin' out passwords for access to the lil shop so don't fret - i am workin' around the clock. and those still wantin' the original boxers three rather than faux ones, just send along an email and i'll let you know where you can find 'em.
mini says thank you too.
added a bit later....just got a post that i deleted....only because it had my dear friend amy's address and it should not show publically....the person - Anonymous of course - leaving the following comment - was from santa fe, new mexico and their IP number is via comcast cable at lat/long 35.678.-105.9597....and this was their misinformed comment:
Mini? is there really a Mini Mo?? is there really a Mo Jackson? me thinks Amy Powers & Mo Jackson are one & the same, my dear. nice story about your "daughter" running across the meanies, tho.
Domain Name..........
Creation Date........ 2005-04-16
Registration Date.... 2005-04-16
Expiry Date.......... 2008-04-16
Organisation Name.... Amy Powers
Organisation Address. (address removed)
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. UNITED STATES
in an effort to make sure this is a rumor i can knock outta the nice it would be if any one human could get the amount o' work done that amy and i are capable of each on our own! if this person was truly interested instead of just a rukus raker they would be able to see that we really are two individual people - one on the west coast and the other on the east but very close just the same. also, with a lil reading this anonymous person would discover that the reason the domain name is lised as amyis that without her i'd have no domain....she lovingly set everything up for me way back when. and finally, i am actually the mother of a daughter and create original digital art for delivery via download and amy is a lovely shop owner and inspires many through her wonderful products and kind heart. and you dear anonymous, need to find something more productive to do than post comments containing imaginary stories.