i often get emails from people wantin' to turn their hobbies into businesses of some sort on the world wide web. they always say, 'dear mo, i wanna turn my hobby into business on the world wide web. could you please give me some advice on how to get people to be interested in my__________ (the blank is filled with anything from hats made outta clorex bottles to macrame plant holders that double as a place to poke the t.v. remote).'
while i have accidently turned designin' digital doo dads for delivery via download into a successful enterprise, i admit i am not the right person to help someone else do the same for their own adventure into cyberspace money makin'. if it wasn't for paypal combined with help from my dear friend inspire company amy, i would'a been plum outta luck when my doo dads became homeless a few years ago. plus seein' as how i don't make my livin' off of the doo dads, i tend to do things a lil differently than someone who might need to feed their family or pay the rent off what they ring up in sales from those who travel from cyber shop to cyber shop lookin' for things they can't find out in the real world.
one thing i do tell 'em is that they need to watch out for the groups o' women who hang out in packs known as cyber bullies. this is a mean group o' women and when crossed....even slightly...they'll go to their keyboards in mass and with a mob mentality, tap out the meanest things possible about you. no way can their words be confused with what would be contructive criticism! they don't care whether they know a damn thing about you or your business - fact checkin' is not somethin' they concern their mean ol' selves with. they just get goin' on those keyboards and don't stop until either an alert is sent out that some other poor soul needs a good bashin' or whoever is in charge o' the free-for-all-type-o-forum they are doin' their bashin' in decides the mob has gone a bit too far and closes the bash down.....but of course they don't remove the unkind words - otherwise the mob might turn on THEM. plus, the more posts they have, the more they can charge for advertisin' so it doesn't make good sense for 10 or so bashin' pages to be jerked off their postin' place (except of course if the bashin' has taken place at two peas ....those people there are quite responsible and don't take kindly to their members bashin' someone around and usually pull the mean ol' words from view as soon as they become aware of 'em).
the bashins' that have been held in my honor have been pretty bad. there was one just about a year ago that was quite a whopper. i knew somethin' was up cause once again my mailbox was filled to the brim with people registerin' to become members o' my private sites. i never read the things but my friends and moland neighbors do and from what i understand, the pack o' cyber bullies participatin' reached new heights o' mean.
i did my best to put it outta my mind...this is hard when you know people are sayin' things about you that are untrue or unkind or both....even if you don't know who they are. anyway, i went on puttin' it outta my mind until my mini somehow came upon this vicious ol' thread revolvin' all around her dear mother. i do believe it is the most upset my child has ever been. i'm not sure if she was more upset that such horrible things were bein' said about her beloved mother or the realization that grown women could be so mean. she kept askin' me what these women would do if they discovered one o' their children bashin' a schoolmate on the world wide web....and why would they be settin' such a bad example for them. one woman in particular really bothered her...her mean ol' words were followed by a picture of her kids and somethin' about her son bein' autistic and how people should be kind to each other.
yes - i tell the people who write to me for advice that they need to be aware that things like this can happen to 'em. especially cause they may not be as fortunate as i've been....with the exception o' poor mini discoverin' that grown women can indeed be meaner than the meanest girl in school, my friends and neighbors havin' a hard time sittin' on their hands cause i always ask 'em not to involve themselves in the melee no matter how much they want to defend my honor and me workin' hard not to take it all personally, the cyber bullies comin' out in force against me is always a boon for the doo dad'n business. seems the minute half o' those women hit the button to get their post up and eternally on the screen, they send me an email askin' how they can register.
one thing i know for sure - never ever read any bashin' held in your honor and never ever participate in 'em thinkin' you can get the bullies to look at things differently. they are bullies afterall and you usually can't tell a mean ol' bully anything....just let 'em entertain themselves at your expense....if they had somethin' more productive to do they'd probably be doin' it . you just gotta feel kinda sorry for 'em....i'm sure their moms forgot to teach 'em how to do unto others.....
i do so hope you are not doin' any bashin' or gettin bashed this fine valentine's day and instead are celebratin' with lots o' kissin' and huggin'. i'm attachin' a picture of a recent gatherin' o' the cyber bullies jo took. she attempted to infiltrate one of their meetins' recently but her big hair was recognized right away and she barely got away in one tube topped piece.