dorothy's kitchen
it's hard to believe it's been seven year's since dorothy's kitchen first appeared here on the blog. i'm thinkin' that would be considered a really long time in the world o' digital doo dads designed for delivery via download on the worldwide web. it's nothin' tho when compared to the time the real Dorothy created concoctions in her actual kitchen. i'm pretty sure her able arms whipped, stirred, patted, beat, rolled, chopped, cut and served from the small kitchen on rose avenue and any kitchen she might be visitin' for around ten times that seven.
the real dorothy (my mother-in-law) just celebrated her ninety-second birthday and if she had her way (which she did most o' the time) she'd still be spendin' much of every day doin' more whippin', stirrin', pattin', beatin', rollin', choppin', cuttin' and servin'. unfortunately she was forced into retirement by macular degeneration and her kitchen is now closed .
in honor o' those two tupperware containers crammed full o' martha washingtons dorothy mailed me every birthday and christmas I was her daughter-in-law i decided it was time to dish out some new dorothy's kitchen doo dads. I was so enthusiastic I got a bit carried like the original dorothy doo dads, the new ones will served in a number o' different courses (or parts).
the next sets that appear will be in honor of you - whether a doo dad devotee for all or bits o' the past eight years or allowing me sometime over the past four to decorate your baby's noggin' - for providing' me with your incredible friendship and givin' me an excuse to continue my love o' designing' and creating all kinds o' doo dads. thank you ever so much.
you can download the first batch HERE. i'd love to see what you whip up so please let me know if you post anything anywhere or you can post 'em on my lowercase facebook page HERE.
hope you enjoy these new doo dads as much as i enjoyed doing' 'em for you!
p.s.let me know if you have any problem with the link.