hi there...it's me...jo...mo's cousin jo! just wanted anyone who is interested ta know i updated the art for mo's public site and it should be ready for visitin as soon as dirk, the motorcycle cop i picked up over at cal poly, gets back over here and helps me poke through this here dreamweaver manual. he said it was easy enough for a child but i do believe he meant ONLY a child!
anyway, as i explained on those pages i did for the mo site, mo's been passed out cold for waaay over 24 hours now. seems barely sleepin for almost a week tryin to run the latest gremlins off the site did her in. right before her head went down for the last time, she asked me to look after mini while she got a few zzzzs. hmmm...think she meant to say zillions of zzzzs but whatever. i do believe if she could'a kept those bloodshot green eyes open just a lil longer she would'a also asked me to take care of some of the things she has fallen behind on while she was pokin thru all the things on the server to see what happened.
but she didn't and it didn't matter cause you see, we know each other so well i am really good at readin her mind - even her SLEEPIN mind. so i took it upon myself to do up some new pages. i do hope when they get propped up on the internet - where ever that IS - with help from dirk, you'll rush right over and take a peek at em....especially since that mo could wake up any minute and decide that i didn't do such a good job of readin her sleepin mind and determine my helpful assistance wasn't exactly what she had in mind - the one i may have read incorrectly - and go directly on over to that internet - where EVER it IS - and replace my pages with some of her own.
now, i must give credit where credit is due and if you'll gaze on up to the art above you'll see the face of that die hard doo dad devotee tracy. lordy lordy - believe it or not, she helped me acheive my sneakiness from start to finish even though she's vacationin here in sunny california - actually visitin her mom and dad. but even so, she took the time to help me via email and web cam. course, i didn't tell her i only read mo's sleepin mind. i do believe she may have ASSUMED she was helpin me with mo's blessin but we'll work all that out later.
it was actually tracy who suggested i put on my best tube top and borrow one of mini's daddy's old porsches from the garage and drive it on over to cal poly with the top down and pick me up some computer type to help me. but wouldn't ya know, the minute i got onto campus and pulled into the first open spot i could find a motocycle cop pulled up beside me to ask me if i knew i had been drivin in second gear all the way. seems he started followin me right away but i never saw him cause i was keepin my eyes on the road. it's a miracle i didn't end up as one of those fools you see here on t.v. tryin to outrun the cops - with the helicoptor overhead and all! anyway, that's how i met dirk and cause he was actually off duty, he volunteered to drive me and mini's dad's topless antique car back on to mo's in the right gear. he then spent the afternoon with me and gigi and mini (and tracy via the webcam and email) in the trailer making my zippidy doo dad art into mo's new pages. it took a while and tracy had to go put on her string bikini to get a lil sun and dirk had to leave for his shift and the girls had to start the homework i assigned em...and it's when i was all alone that i got the idea to come on over here and blog to ya about me gettin the new pages done! it only took me 42 times to get the password right but here i am!
so...with luck, dirk'll be back soon and we'll poke thru the manual and see if we can get those materpieces up. i can't wait to see what you think. i'm hopin maybe if there aren't too many complaints mo will reward me for all that hard work and let me do it again! whether she does or not, at least now you know that damn vanity didn't fall on her again and KILL her this time and that the only reason she hasn't posted a new blog or maybe written you back or whatever is because she was workin to fix what was broken and wore herself out. but she'll be back shortly. and if i'm lucky - SO WILL I!
okay - thanks for stoppin by and keep your fingers crossed that my pages make it up and STAY up...if even just for a bit...and that when mo finally wakes she doesn't even notice that mini has too much eyeliner on or that i told her practicin good make-up technique was more useful later in life and that we did that instead of homework. and especially that i am lettin mini wear the good tube top to school tomorrow.
officially signin off....so everyone will know it's me jo, mo's cousin, and not mo herself....
p.s. thanks again tracy! you're the best!