when you sit at a screen designin' doo dads for delivery via download for dollars and dimes and can hear but not see the television in the tv-on-all-the-time room below you, lots o questions come to mind concernin' what you're hearin' and many of 'em get stuck there and refuse to leave. the question at the forefront this very minute is why o why the producers o' that merv crossword game show chose the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard as the background noise while they fill in the blanks after a question is asked. i am thinkin' THEY think it is the sound of a pencil on paper but sounds more like the dreaded fingernails on the chalkboard to me. if the show fails i do believe this will be the reason.
other questions that keep poppin' into my noggin......am i possibly the only person within t.v. sound range that is sick o hearin' about britney? is anyone besides me thinkin' that no matter what paul did to heather, nothin could make him look as bad as she looks goin' on all the entertainment shows spewin' venom and that all that venom is pretty much cancelin' out any good thoughts we had about her after she performed for us so well with only one leg? am i the only one who would consider myself a failure as a mother if my child appeared on judge joe brown's show? and why'd they move the soap with the monkey and witch to some other universe? why'd days o our life kill off john....or is this just another one o those times when he's only pretendin' to be dead and that's the reason marlana isn't bein' as dramatic as usual??
on the top o my list o questions gathered while listenin' but not watchin' the t.v. as i design' doo dads for delivery via download are ones havin' to do with the lead the toy manufacturers have been includin' along with their toys at no extra cost and the mysterious increase in dear children bein' diagnosed with learnin' difficulties and autism. the questions i have about these newsworthy items have remained on the top o my question list for quite a while now and i keep hopin' one o those talkin' heads will either give me the answers or at least ask the questions themselves.
here's what i keep wonderin'.....
•how long are we to assume this lead giveaway has been goin' on? they have recalled many o playthings that are currently on the shelves of toys 'r us and other fun providers but what about those that are no longer bein' manufactured or sold? it seems to me that we are left to think that all toys made previous to this discovery and not recalled and still in our possession are safe - those maybe in an attic packed away to pass on to those grand kids i'm hopin' to have one day when i grow up. but since i have not yet been told how these toys are checked and how often they are checked and how the current lead pass-along was discovered, i am left wonderin' about every toy i ever placed in my mini's eager hands or have stored away.
•i know little about autism except that it is a very difficult diagnosis to receive about any child - whether one o your own or someone else's. from what i have heard most children with autism develop normally and then suddenly that development seems to go haywire. also that many parents of autistic children firmly believe that immunizations their children receive are the cause of the disease as their problems begin around the same time they received them. why has no one ever given the statistics on how many children that did not receive them are autistic? did any o' those children - immunized or not - play with too many o those toys that come with the free lead - or possibly somethin' even worse?
i am sure that since none o' the experts have been posin' these question they shouldn't be on the top o my question list but they remain there right next to all the others. others such as - could our trust in thinking all the systems in place to keep us and our children safe and the products we purchase safe and the food we eat safe be misguided? shouldn't someone at least ask if maybe lead or some other dangerous element our children have played with or consumed created the onslaught o' learnin' difficulties and problems today's lil children are developin'?
i'll keep listenin' while i design the doo dads and as always, will end up with more questions about the world we live in for my on-goin' list than answers and from time to time may be forced to share more of 'em here in blogdom. in the meantime, since both the lead problem and child development have been featured so prominently at the same time on all the newsy type shows, i'll keep hopin' one o those talkin' heads will at least ponder for us whether something like lead on our children's toys could be the cause of all these sweet children bein' diagnosed with illnesses and problems at a higher rate than ever.
i fear i may be diagnosed with a permanently damaged neck if lil coco keeps growin'. while she doesn't seem to be gettin' that much bigger, she is certainly much heavier. i can state this as a fact since the only way to keep her happy while mini is away at school each day is as you see her in today's blogart...in a lil bag hangin' from around my neck! it's not really too bad unless tink has a fit o jealousy and insists on hangin' from a bag o her own....unfortunately this is most often the case. lookin' on the bright side...it's always nice to feel needed.