you may think that jo has big hair cause she's stuck in some poofy time warp. but that's not the case. jo's big hair is our grandmother's fault.
from the time we were born, our grandmother told us at least once each time we were with her that we were very fortunate to have inherited her good hat head and that we owed it to ourselves to wear a hat whenever out in public. and any time we were out in public with our good hat heads hatted, she made a point o' callin' to our attention all the less fortunate heads we encountered so we would appreciate how lucky we were to carry the good hat head part o' her DNA.
while i loved donnin' all the chapeaus grandmother crammed onto my good hat head, jo hated each and every single one. she said they detracted from her natural beauty and that since we also inherited spectacle needin' peeper DNA from this good hat head grandmother, addin' a hat too was just tacky. queenie agreed with her but only because she had good peepers and had made it clear early on that the only thing she was ploppin' on her good hat head was a tiara so grandmother never made her wear one o the matchin' hats forced upon me and jo.
as much as she hated those hats, jo put up with 'em for the first five or so years of her life. but then one day we accompanied grandmother to the beauty salon and while she had her hair-do done up, we dug around in all the beautician's drawers where jo discovered a teasin' comb. by the time we left for our next stop of the day, jo had mastered that tool like a pro and with almost a whole foot o' teased hair on top of her good hat head, she finally put her flat foot down and told grandmother she was done honorin' her good hat head and from that point on would be goin' out in public bare cause her high hair would no longer accommodate any sort o' coverin'.
queenie's tiara and jo's bouffant left me as the only grand-daughter willin' to wear a hat which was fine with me cause i actually liked 'em - plus no matter how jo tried, she was never able to get my hair to hold a tease - even with a double coat o' aquanet.
by the time i was maybe 8 or 9 i started makin' hats for my friends - even those without good hat heads - and other than a hiatus i took for a couple o' years after sewin' 5 or 6 machine stitches through my pointer finger, i've been makin' 'em ever since.
above are some o' those on their way to that sweet amy's shop, last year i only made lil ones for lil hat heads and many o' you requested i do some larger ones next time ' that's just what i did. i believe this batch will be on the shelves o' amy's shop between now and monday so if you're in need o' a couture chapeau cloche or two, be sure to stop by and take a look.
now i must go finish decoratin' all those trees mini and her daddy insist on havin'. jo's still not back from helpin' our auntie move so i'm left to do it all with no live entertainment. i'll blog up some shots as soon as i am further along.
hope you all are enjoyin' the season and have done more shoppin' done than i have. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo