if you've been around a while you might remember me introducin' you to betty jean, mini's wiener dog. she 'n mini have the same birthday and therefore celebrate each year with one big party (i blogged quite a memorable one here).
though she arrived with a pedigree, poor betty has never had great beauty, could never be completely house trained, constantly gets her tricks confused (rolls over when asked for a paw shake 'n sits when a roll-over is requested), has a tail that looks as if it spent time in a faulty pencil sharpener and sprouts fur so crunchy only those of us who love her dare pet or pick her up.
but it's not any o' her sensational short comins' that make betty jean the most unique of all the canine creatures created...no...not a one o' those. the thing that is the most - i should say weird but i'll be kind 'n call it 'special'- so...the thing that is the most special about betty jean is her hobby.
i've tried 'n tried to get a good picture but she seems to only enjoy this hobby when no human is around. this shot mini's daddy snapped with his camera phone is the best that we have...actually it's the only we have so far. you have to look really close at the smallest shot above but once you do you'll see possibly the only rose bush climbin' wiener dog in existence. i could be wrong but i don't think there are too many other unattractive badly coated trick twisted wiener dogs with this same talent. and she doesn't just climb the thorny bushes...once she arrives at the top she gets comfy 'n takes a snooze.